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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Chapter 2[b]. Speaking [Let's Sing and Dance]

Picture Chapter 2[b]. Speaking [Let's Sing and Dance]

-Respond to speech, such as responding to hesitation correctly
-Retell the text in the form of a report

The Document

Chapter 1. Do It This Way ! (Cover)
           Chapter 1[a] Listening [Do It This Way!]
           Chapter 1[b]. Speaking [Do It This Way!]
           Chapter 1[c]. Reading [Do It This Way!]
           Chapter 1[d]. Writing [Do It This Way!]
           Chapter 1[e]. Learning Essential [Do It This Way!]
Chapter 2. Let's Dance and Sing (Cover)
           Chapter 2[a]. Listening {Let's Dance and Sing} (3St)
           Chapter 2[b]. Speaking [Let's Sing and Dance]
           Chapter 2[c]. Reading [Let's Sing and Dance]
           Chapter 2[d]. Writing [Let's Sing and Dance]
           Chapter 2[e]. Learning Essential [Let's Sing and Dance]
Chapter 3. Be Creative! [Cover]
           Chapter 3[a]. Listening [Be Creative]!
           Chapter 3[b]. Speaking [Be Creative!]
           Chapter 3[c]. Reading [Be Creative!]
           Chapter 3[d]. Writing [Be Creative!]
           Chapter 3[e]. Learning Esential [Be Creative!]
Chapter 4. It's a Great Story [Cover]
           Chapter 4[a]. Listening [It's a Great Story]
           Chapter 4[b].Speaking [It's a Great Story]
           Chapter 4[c]. Reading [It's a Great Story]
           Chapter 4[d]. Writing [It's a Great Story]
           Chapter 4[e]. Learning Essential [It's a Great Story]
Chapter 5. Send Me a Letter, Please [Cover]
           Chapter 5[a]. Listening [Send Me a Letter, Please]
           Chapter 5[b]. Speaking [Send Me a Letter, Please]
           Chapter 5[c]. Reading [Send Me a Letter, Please]
           Chapter 5[d]. Writing [Send Me a Letter, Please]
           Chapter 5[e]. Learning Essential [Send Me a Letter, Please]

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